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St. Gerard Majella

On October 16, we celebrate the patron saint of fertility and expectant mothers - St. Gerard Majella. Though it may be surprising that a man is the patron saint of pregnancy, St. Gerard has more than earned his title through his intercession for countless women hoping to have successful pregnancies. Beyond this specific cause, St. Gerard is a shining example of a humble life lived in service of God.

Gerard Majella was born to a poor Italian family, and his father died when he was 12 years old. He became a journeyman tailor, but his true dream was to join a religious order. He was denied from the Capuchins because of his health, and he turned his attention to the Redemptorists. Although he was also turned away from them, he persisted until he was reluctantly accepted. Once taking vows, Gerard surpassed the brothers' expectations; he was a “miracle of obedience," as the order's founder, St. Alphonsus Liguori, called him. He threw himself into the work of the Redemptorists, fulfilling any need they asked of him. 

One story that exemplifies Gerard's obedience involves a a young woman he helped to join a convent. After living with the nuns for a few weeks, this young woman decided to leave. She started to slander the nuns, but the local townspeople wouldn't believe her stories, as the convent came highly recommended by Gerard. She then turned her attacks on Gerard, and wrote to St. Alphonsus that he was inappropriately involved with a young female acquaintance. When questioned about this, Gerard followed the example of Christ and stayed silent in the face of his accuser. Alphonsus had no option but to sanction Gerard; he was forbidden contact with outsiders and was not allowed to receive Holy Communion. Though this penance crushed Gerard, he accepted the orders of his superior with humble obedience, and viewed the whole situation as an act of God. His accuser eventually became deathly ill and recanted her slander of Gerard; he was vindicated and his punishment lifted.

Even during his lifetime, Gerard was known to perform miracles. His most famous, and the one that gave him the honor of being the patron saint of healthy pregnancies, involved his handkerchief. While visiting a family friend, he dropped his handkerchief. One of the daughters tried to give it back to him, but he insisted that she keep it. Since Gerard's holiness was so well-known in the area, she was happy to have something to remember him by. Years later, after Gerard had died, the young woman was in danger of dying during childbirth. She called for the handkerchief, put it to her womb, and both she and the baby survived in good health.

Despite his vigor for performing the Lord's work, Gerard was always somewhat sickly. He died in 1755 at the age of 29. Devotion to him began immediately, and stories of his miracles and virtue spread near and far. He was canonized in 1904. 

St. Gerard Majella holds a special place in my heart. My husband and I suffered from three miscarriages in a row, with one baby passing at 20 weeks. St. Gerard was our go-to saint. We never stopped praying for his intercession, and he has certainly helped us in our journey. We now have a healthy baby boy, whose middle name is Majella, and another one on the way. I hope if you are suffering from fertility issues that you, too, can find solace in St. Gerard's intercession!


By Anna Neal

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