When God brought me here five years ago there was so much to get done for both Gospa Missions and Abode for Children. We had to prioritize what we could do with limited resources of both people and money, but by the Grace of God and the prayers of many we have accomplished much of what needed to be done. Now our focus is on what Tom Rutkoski, our founder, always referred to as Our Lady’s building, and we need your help with prayer. For the next 40 days we will be praying a rosary a day for God to give us both the wisdom to know His will and the resources to accomplish it with Our Lady’s building. We need to make sure Our Lady’s building continues to be the home of Gospa Missions and Abode for Children and a Beacon of Light in this dark world!
To learn more and help click here!
Chris Reynolds, President
Gospa Missions & Abode for Children
Please click the HERE to sign up for a specific day to pray a rosary for our intention below.