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David Phillips, known for his many albums of traditional and contemporary Catholic music, features instrumental arrangements of beloved Irish melodies on his latest release. The album is lovingly dedicated to the memory of George and Marcella Phillips, parents of Sandi, David and Vicki, with the Irish blessing: "May the road rise to meet you and may God hold you in the palm of His hand."

List of Songs
1. All Praise To St. Patrick
2. Killarney
3. Morning Has Broken
4. The Kerry Dance
5. Believe Me If All Those Enduring Young Charms
6. Be Thou My Vision
7. The Fairy Glen
8. I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen
9. Piping Tim Of Galway
10. O Danny Boy
11. The Table Of The High King
12. The Minstrel Boy
13. Cockles And Mussels
14. The Irish Washerwoman
15. Hail Glorious St. Patrick
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