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Our Lady of Mount Carmel

“Receive, my beloved son, this habit of thy order: this shall be to thee and to all Carmelites a privilege, that whosoever dies clothed in this shall never suffer eternal fire…It shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger, and a pledge of peace.” This is the promise given by Our Lady to St. Simon Stock as she bestowed upon him the scapular which over the centuries has remained one of the most popular Catholic devotions. Simon Stock was an English Carmelite who was praying to the Blessed Virgin Mary for wider acceptance of his order in England, since they had recently been established there. The Carmelites originated in Israel, at the base of Mount Carmel. Mount Carmel is the traditionally held site of the prophet Elijah's legendary fight against 300 prophets of Baal. Tradition follows that hermits then inhabited the area, following the example of Elijah and Elisha, and continued to retreat there in the centuries following Christ. 

In 1209, a group of hermits founded the Order of Brothers of The Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, which came to be known as the Carmelites. However, soon after, Muslims took over the territory and the Carmelites were forced to seek refuge outside the Holy Land. The order moved, among other places, to England, but they didn't meet with immediate acceptance. The Superior General, Simon Stock, turned to Mary. Mary was an especially important figure to the Carmelites; the first Carmelites built a chapel to Mary as the Star of the Sea - Stella Maris. This title for Mary is based on the Carmelites' belief that Elijah's story at Mount Carmel included a prefiguration of Mary. The area at the time was enduring a three year drought, which Elijah predicted would end soon. His servant saw a cloud in the figure of a man's hand rising from the sea, which then poured down the much-needed rain over the land. Centuries later, the Carmelites viewed this event as a prefiguration of Mary, the Star of the Sea, with the rain prefiguring the grace of her Son, Jesus, being poured out to humanity. 

Mary ended up appearing to Simon Stock, with baby Jesus in one arm and holding a brown scapular in the other. Over the centuries, the Carmelites have deepened their devotion to Mary and promulgated use of the scapular. The scapular became the habit of the Carmelite order; it was made up of two long, undecorated panels of wool, one that hung in front and one in the back, connected at the shoulders. Laity can wear a smaller version that looks something like a necklace, with two small pieces of cloth, one in the front and one in the back, connected by ribbons. Oftentimes, the cloth has images on it, usually Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Our Lady promised all those who wear the scapular eternal salvation, and specifically promised, “as a tender Mother, I will descend into purgatory on the Saturday after their death, and will deliver them into the heavenly mansions of life everlasting.” In order to obtain these rewards, the wearer must

1. Wear the Brown Scapular continuously.
2. Observe chastity according to one’s state in life.
3. Observe the daily recitation of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary OR to abstain from meat on Wednesdays and Saturdays OR with the permission of a priest say 5 decades of the Holy Rosary.

However, as with all sacramentals, the promises will not be conferred if the person simply wears the scapular without taking on the responsibility of living a virtuous Christian life. In other words, we must not view the scapular as simply a good luck charm that will save us in the end regardless of our behavior. Rather, the scapular is a continuous reminder for us to live out our vocation according to God's will.

For Our Lady of Mount Carmel's feast day on July 16, let us pray the following prayer to deepen our devotion to Our Lady:

O Most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, beautiful vine, splendor of heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity… O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my mother.

O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart, to succor me in this my necessity; there are none that can withstand your power.

O show me herein you are my Mother. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse. Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands.


By Anna Neal

1 comment

  • Dearest our Lady of Mount Carmel, intercede for me with Carmen Dominguez, to change the date of the officer installation to next Wednesday. I surrender to Jesus, do as he will. Amen


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